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Space Cloud Essentials chevron_right Space Cloud Basics


Welcome to Space Cloud’s Learn platform! Here you’ll find step-by-step examples of how to perform common Space Cloud tasks.

This “Space Cloud Basics” section of Learn will help you understand how you can get started with using Space Cloud using Docker. We will walk through installing Space Cloud and performing the most common tasks to help you start building cloud-native apps with ease.

What is Space Cloud?

Keeping it brief:

Space Cloud is an opensource serverless platform based on Kubernetes, which lets you develop, scale and secure cloud-native apps.

You can see it as a Firebase + Heroku. On one side, it provides instant GraphQL APIs for any database which can be consumed directly from your frontend. On the other, it provides serverless capabilities on top of kubernetes. It also has an easy to use authorization system, end to end traffic encryption and a lot more.

Now that we have got that out of the way let’s see what we’ll be covering in this track.

What we’ll be covering

We’ll be going through the following guides in this track:

  • Setting up Space Cloud on our local computer using Docker
  • Adding a database and querying it using auto-generated GraphQL APIs
  • Dockerize and deploy a REST service on Space Cloud
  • Expose our Restful APIs via GraphQL
  • Explore some GraphQL Awesomeness
Note: The setup mechanism used in this guide is not recommended for production. While there is nothing wrong with setting up Space Cloud using Docker for production, there are several features which are not available in such a setup.

Continue to the next guide to install Space Cloud on your local machine.